Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Scotsman of My Dreams by Karen Ranney

In USA Today and New York Times bestselling author Karen Ranney’s second novel in her breathtaking series, an unconventional woman and a former scoundrel embark on a daring mission of desire.

August's Gardens by Michelle Barclay

Morrigan is beyond death, trapped in a hellish nightmare from which only the Artist can save her. The Fiend is behind enemy lines learning to reap what he has sown.

Turn of the Moon by L. P. Dover

One girl. Two wolves. Promised to one. Destined for the other.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Immortal Matchmakers, Inc. by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

BECAUSE…dysfunctional immortals need love, too.

Instruction by L. M. Pruitt

 Taylor Allerton's speakeasy is one of the hottest nightclubs in Manhattan. Young, rich, and beautiful, she can have any man she wants--and usually does.

Monday, August 24, 2015

My Highland Bride by Maeve Greyson

Perfect for fans of the Highlander novels of Karen Marie Moning and Janet Chapman, Southern sass meets Highland heat in Maeve Greyson’s scintillating new Highland Hearts romance.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blurred Lines by Lauren Layne

In a novel that’s perfect for fans of Abbi Glines and Jessica Sorensen, USA Todaybestselling author Lauren Layne delivers a sexy take on the timeless question: Can a guy and a girl really be “just friends”?

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Carnal Beginnings by Reily Garrett

When a twist of fate frees Adara from years of personal hell, she finds herself thrown into an upgraded version including her own psychopathic stalker.

Julien, an ex-Special Forces private investigator, must step up his game to stay one step ahead of her sadistic family and a sociopathic killer to keep her safe.

Winner of The Romance Review’s Top Pick Award.  If you love a combination of BDSM/romance and suspense, don’t miss this action packed adventure.

 Warning: This book contains explicit sexual scenes and extreme violence.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Falling for the P.I. by Victoria James

Teacher Kate Abbott's fresh start in Still Harbor was the beginning of the life that she and her two best friends always imagined for themselves.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Code Of Honor by Missy Johnson

In a series debut for fans of Tracy Wolff and Sylvia Day, New York Times bestselling author Missy Johnson asks a burning question: What happens when love is undeniable—and taboo?

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Purified by Elizabeth S. Sullivan

When a mutilated body of an African American girl is found in a park sandbox, the media shows no interest.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Playing For Her Heart

Grant Osprey just had the hottest sex of his life. Sure, they were both in costume, and yes, it was anonymous, but he never expected her to bolt in the middle of the night without so much as a good bye, let alone exchanging numbers. Or names.

Instruction by L.M. Pruitt

 Taylor Allerton's speakeasy is one of the hottest nightclubs in Manhattan. Young, rich, and beautiful, she can have any man she wants--and usually does.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Nighwalker by Jacquelyn Frank

From New York Times bestselling author Jacquelyn Frank comes the final chapter in the Nightwalkers saga! As the momentous showdown with a powerful demon unfolds, a passionate encounter breaks the ultimate taboo.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Interview with Charley Daveler

This post is a very special treat. We've been granted a quick look into the mind of a talented and phenomenal writer, an interview with Charley Daveler.
Of the many authors'  works I've read, this is one I would not only finish the book, but I'd go hunt for more. Pick up any of her works and you won't be disappointed. Her writing reveals not only an intelligent mind, but one with insight and imagination.

Below are  examples of the beautiful quilts she makes for some of her giveaways

Interview with Charley Daveler

Tell us about your educational background.

I have a B.A. in theatre. If you’re wondering if that was a waste of time—not any more than any other degree in this day and age. I can find a job. It’s just in theatre.

I should have persued business however.

Most artistic endeavors are akin to starting up your own business, and there’s certain techniques or even laws I struggle with in ignorance—like how to do my taxes with all the freelance work.

Tell us about your works.

Science-fiction, fantasy, romance, sarcasm.

My works are usually speculative fiction, which is a more inclusive way of saying I avoid reality. Sometimes I would describe a piece as more paranormal than fantasy, or more magical sci-fi than technological; there’s a lot of pre-existing notions for the sci-fi, fantasy genres that don’t always fit with what I’m doing. It might be fantasy, just not medieval England based. It might be science-fiction, but you’ll still encounter an alp.

Generally speaking I write about worlds with new rules of reality and a dark sense of humor.

I am predominantly a novelist, though none of those manuscripts are available to the public yet. You can read my short stories in literary journals ( I’m also a playwright, having some of my scripts premiere in the L.A. area. The theatre work tends to be more satirical than magical, but I still enjoy characters not living in contemporary America.

Currently, I write an online serial, Stories of the Wyrd.

The Wyrd, taken from the Celtic word for “fate,” is another realm filled with dangerous creatures. Its boundaries move across the human plane, monsters and beasts creeping out to eat the villagers who live in the wilderness and far from the industrious civilization. Siblings Rasmus and Kaia Kondori offer up their services to those in plight, even when it’s just in their heads.

It was a side project for me as I prepared manuscripts and short stories for submission and publication; a method for me to connect to readers and write what I really wanted to be creating without focusing on market, sales, or possible rejection. I post a new short story once a month, available free online.

What draws you to this genre?

I once had someone ask, “Why don’t you just write contemporary stories?”

It was the first time it occurred to me that my interests weren’t just obvious. I am shocked to find the number of people who are extraordinarily bored by speculative fiction. But I am extraordinarily bored by realistic fiction, so…

I think it’s the wondrous possibility of a new world that obeys different scientific laws than what we’ve come to accept as true. We have certain limitations as humans that we just have to deal with. And when I watch someone who has a lifestyle completely different than mine, capable of doing things I can’t, yet restricted by the same rules, it tends to be either too intense or I find it ridiculous. Works that are magic based have more freedom to be silly and humorous while still being convincing.

What are you working on currently?

I’m writing several novels at once, trying to get a specific manuscript ready for querying, but I there is one I prioritize.

The main manuscript is temporarily called The Plane. (The label on the document so I don’t get it mixed up with any of the others.) It will be my sixteenth manuscript when finished. I took a different approach this time and am chronicling some of the experience on my blog,, under the tags “So I’m writing this novel.”  Normally, I don’t discuss a lot of what I’m doing on there for fear of spoiling it and making any potential publishers nervous. I decided that I had enough novels right now that I’m really not concerned about it. I believe it is more interesting than just hypothetically discussing writing.

An impoverished and arrogant pilot loses his plane to the government, under the guise of debt—though everyone knows this is a lie. All of civilization grows on a series of small islands, making airship or boat the only method of travel.

His plane is unique, the only thing that can fly through the invisible barrier around the Eastern Isles where the barbarians live, and only he knows how to pilot it. He is hired by the current owner to breach the dangerous lands and return with a powerful material.

And that’s all I got.

Describe your process for research.

Because most of my worlds are made up, I usually do research in hindsight, trying to fix continuity problems, ideas that aren’t fleshed out, or make the setting seem a little more grounded after writing the manuscript.

If it’s obvious I am not informed about something—like how long it takes to heal a broken leg—I’ll Google it immediately. Mostly though, I have to wait until I’ve gotten outside feedback because it’s not always easy to know what I don’t know.

What do you do when its 2am and you wake up with information on one of your works?

Usually fall back asleep. Most times it’s not about my work, but a new idea, and I have enough of those it’s not worth getting out bed. Every once in a while, if it’s really important or good, I have a notebook I’ll scribble in.

Pantzer, plotter or hybrid?

Hybrid, in that I constantly play around with my process, but I work better as a pantzer than a plotter. I do outline from time to time, and usually to good results, yet the way I develop a story often requires me to start noticing what I don’t notice.

Let’s say I start a book with a character walking into a room. In an outline, all I might say about that scene is something like, “Protagonist on other planet finds out that she has been assigned to the reproduction unit. Character insists that she wants to be an explorer. Is informed that she can become an explorer and may give the child up to be raised by an infertile civilian, but may not start training until she has accomplished the reproduction.”

Move on to next scene.

If, however, I start by writing the scene rather than plotting out main events, the details I need to know to write the dialogue, description, and even characters can lead me to much better fleshed out ideas. I don’t even need to name the protagonist in an outline, yet having decided the kinds of names that people are given grants me a hint as to how their culture works. As I ask myself, “What does this room look like?” I’ll start to question what materials it’s made out of, how did they get those materials, and why is it made from them specifically? Expense? Durability? Protection?

For instance, I might think, “What are spaceships made out? Steel? Is steel minable on this planet? No, they would probably have a unique resource that doesn’t have to be shipped from Earth. Steel, and our Earthly resources are much more rare and expensive. And maybe that’s what the ‘explorers’ are for… seeking out a planet that has the same resources Earth does.” So, something’s wrong with the material (whatever it is). I have a better idea what will happen in the next scene, and the scene after that, then if I had just been left with the summary of information.

By writing out the scene as I go, I find questions (and answers) that wouldn’t have occurred to me to ask about in outlining, and so the development of the story flows easier.

Do you let the book stew – leave it for a month and then come back to it to edit?

I do, however, not at first. My ideal method (you know how that goes), is to do the second draft immediately after finishing draft one. This is because I can catch errors while still remembering what I was trying to say and retain some of the original image and continuity. It also helps to challenge yourself to get it right versus just taking it out because you don’t remember the actual reason it was there in the first place.

Third draft I then put it aside so as to gain fresh eyes and actually forget why I did things a certain way which prevents me from supplementing my own knowledge into an idea that doesn’t actually make sense to a person not in the know.

But often, in reality, I will put manuscripts down for a very long time before even considering editing because I’ve moved on to the next book and won’t go back to the old ones until the shiny new car smell has worn off.

What have you found to be the best way to market your writing?

Interaction. Which is problematic because I’m not a social person. I love people, and I love to hear about them, but it’s hard for me to get into a conversation. I rather just sit and listen until I have something to say, and this makes many people uncomfortable because they don’t think I’m interested.

Most of my traffic comes from people I have talked to, especially when they start speaking to others about it. My biggest blog hits happen when a fan will post a link in a writers’ forum.

Is there any marketing technique you used that had an immediate impact on your sales figures?

Currently, I don’t make money from royalties. My short stories that paid were a per-word price, upfront, and had nothing to do with sales. The rights to plays are also purchased as a one-time deal. They say how many performances and how many seats, and you determine the charge for that.

I don’t look at the hits for my online serial because it’s supposed to be a relaxing way to get back to the writing and not worry about that sort of thing, so I am deliberately unaware of what marketing works.

For hits on my blog, the two things that drastically affected it was being on Twitter and having people talk about me on forums. The second you can’t control, but the moment I started developing my Twitter account, my hits sky rocketed.

Why do you think that some well written books just don’t sell?

You can’t expect people to know genius when they see it. And I don’t mean to say that people are ignorant, but that when you’re exposed to a ridiculous amount of stimuli and then are expected to make an accurate judgment on each individual piece, obviously you’re going to write a lot off and you’re going to make mistakes.

Most of the stories that I love today I thought were dumb when first exposed to them. I have no patience and commitment issues, and it’s very difficult for someone to catch me on the first page. The only book I remember hooking my interest from the first line was Odd Thomas, and I never got around to finishing it. In many cases, I liked them because I gave them a second (or third or fourth or fifth) chance for whatever reason. I always wonder how many of my favorite things I never got to read because I passed judgment too quickly.

Readers can’t accurately judge your book if they haven’t read it yet, so how can they determine if they want to read it? They have to use superficial or petty aspects to decide, ranging from book cover to short summary, to a couple of insincere or mean-spirited reviews, or only the first few pages. And sometimes, even if you have read it all the way through, it’s not the right time for it to relate to you. Most young people (me) hate Death of a Salesman; older people love it. Which is to say a reader might pick up your book and have it not be right for them now when they would have loved it two years later. But they’ve already tried it and written it off. This is why marketing to the “correct” demographic can be important.

There’s also the issue that word of mouth is more powerful than anything, and it’s hard to control. Social writers have a leg up on those who aren’t likeable or friendly.

Then there’s luck. In the case of the Sookie Stackhouse series, she was writing a long time before Twilight came out and made vampires popular. If it wasn’t for Stephanie Meyer publishing when she did, Charlaine Harris would have been left in relative obscurity.

Lastly, there’s the whole saying about it doesn’t matter if it’s the sweetest, juiciest peach in the world if they don’t like peaches. Just because a book is written well doesn’t mean anyone’s going to care about the subject.

What would you do if a friend asked you to review their book and you couldn't bear to finish it?

That’s actually why I don’t outright agree to review things.

I’ve only been asked to give feedback by people I really care about, criticism that no one but they will see. This is easy because I value not playing into the “everyone gets a ribbon,” or in this case, “five stars,” idea that is so popular right now, and reviews, if they are to ever be useful, need to be critical and honest, written for readers not writers. When it’s not about rating it, but rather explaining my response, I can say good things and bad things, leave out complaints that will be fixed over time, and voice what I’m thinking without having to discuss the actual judgment. Telling someone, “This will interest me more if you do this,” is different than saying, “You should or should not read this because.”

I did get asked by fellow authors who I don’t know well to review their books, and I found myself in a bad spot. In these few cases, they were poorly edited and had hasty pacing. I only agreed because I wanted to support them and leaving a bad review wouldn’t do that. But leaving an insincere review—even if it had partial truths—is wrong. I got myself into a hard place and a rock, and so I just didn’t bring it up again, hoping they wouldn’t either. In the case someone did, I will admit I gave him a higher star than I wanted, but I did mention some of the issues in the actual review part.

Today I’ll be upfront and tell people exactly that. “I want to read your book, but I do not do reviews anymore.” Then, if the book is good, I will leave one anonymously. I will admit that I don’t leave bad reviews for people I know and care about.

Where would you like to see yourself in five years?

Five years? I’ll be thirty? I have all of these completed manuscripts that I never queried, and I’m hoping that my current focus will be ready within the next month to be sent out to agents. For the next five years, I plan on prioritizing the submitting process over the writing, and would like by the time I’m thirty for my writing career to have stabilized (if that’s even possible). Some books published, been on the book tours and signings, and having a long term relationship with the same agent and preferably publisher.

I have a lot of different ideas of where I could be in five years from international bestseller to peddling self-published illustrated Stories of the Wyrd books at art fairs, all of which seem desirable, but I would really like to have a constant team to work with and a stable fan base.

We'd  love to see some pics of quilts you've made for giveaways in the past. Are you going to make any more (please)?

Yes! I love the giveaways because I enjoy making quilts, but you only need about one yourself, and you can only do so many gifts.

I do the giveaways biannually, every June and December, and for any important launches. If you are interested in being kept updated, follow me on Twitter, Facebook, or my blog, or email me at saying you would like a notification when the giveaway starts.

The images are personally designed (the block patterns aren’t mine). So far it’s been Edgar Allan Poe and Pride and Prejudice. I’m doing a Time Machine quilt for December 2015, and do take suggestions for next June.

Meet Charley

Charley Daveler writes speculative fiction featuring dark worlds and sarcastic characters. Her plays, primarily satirical, have premiered in the Los Angeles area and the west coast, while her short stories can be found in literary journals like Beyond Imagination, Thick Jam, and Larks Fiction Magazine. Currently you can read her online serial, Stories of the Wyrd, for free at When not writing, she stares at her laundry basket to exercise the philosophy of mind over matter. It has yet to yield results.

 Website ** Facebook ** Twitter

Friday, August 14, 2015

Undercover with the Earl by Robyn DeHart

The handsome Earl of Summersby may just be the most eligible bachelor in London, but has no interest in a wife. As a member of the Brotherhood, Bennett Haile is far more vested in his undercover duties for the crown and protecting the Queen from would-be assassins.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

When an Ometa Snaps by Eve Langlais

Losing control is unheard of until he meets her.

Deep Night by Kathy Clark

Sure to thrill readers of Nora Roberts and Karen Robards, the breathtaking Denver Heroes series from New York Times bestselling author Kathy Clark continues as two adrenaline junkies find themselves fighting unexpected passion—and unspeakable terror.

Igniting Ash by M.A. Stacie

After a terrible start in life, Asher Harris picks himself up and manages to carve out a fairly decent future. Content with living alone in his bookshop, he shies away from relationships and keeps trust to a minimum.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Fearless by Elliott James

 When your last name is Charming, rescuing virgins comes with the territory -- even when the virgin in question is a nineteen-year-old college boy.

Lumiere by Jacqueline Garlick

Even in a land of eternal twilight, secrets can’t stay hidden forever.


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

Intimate Fear by D.C. Stone

Dwayne Gonzalez has always had a thing for the beautiful Brooke Mason, but she married another man, had his child, and started her life without him.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

White Death by Ted Bell

Alex Hawke is tracking one of the world’s most powerful villains high in the Swiss Alps. A powerful Swiss banker is found dead, frozen at the base of a soaring Alp. When a second man, the head of a rival banking empire, is found dead deep inside a mountain cave, MI6 suspects a bizarre conspiracy.

Friday, August 7, 2015

My Sexy Saturday

This week’s theme: Late Summer Sexy

In Shadowed Passage, Dylan has spent the past two decades developing his psychic talents and training with the military.  Since the age of nine, he’s kept two goals in mind after that tragic day when his psychopathic uncle entered his life and forced him to choose which family member would survive and which one would die.
In his search to find his sisters, he’s thrust back into a world of espionage and traitors with psychic talents along with a protective duty including a woman he can neither have nor avoid.

Shadowed Passage

His lips brushed hers in a barely-there kiss. Just a taste. He didn’t demand anything more, didn’t even ask. Just brushed his lips back and forth across hers. Euphoric was the only word coming to mind. When her arms crept up to encircle his neck, she relaxed back into the mattress and pulled him to cover her.
 Invitation accepted.
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembered thinking he’d only kiss her. The sweet scent of her shampoo corralled his doubts, curbing their strength as he swiveled his hips to lie full out beside her. Not breaking contact with those luscious lips, he traced the seam of her mouth with his tongue.
She opened.
The sweet haven within could sustain him for months. The slide and tangle of her tongue with his betrayed her anticipation.
The feel of her made him ravenous, needing to stake his claim in the most primordial method.
Pulling back, he nibbled at her lips before tasting and teasing the sensitive skin at the base of her neck. The beast inside seemed to settle with the knowledge he’d claim her for himself.
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

The Escort by Laura Marie Altom

In Laura Marie Altom’s scorching new Shamed novel, perfect for fans of J. Kenner and Tracy Wolff, a broken heart pushes a rugged loner to the breaking point—until a not-so-innocent affair changes everything.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Paradise Rot by Larry Weiner

Kyle Brightman—late of the advertising industry and soon-to-be-late of the 5th floor psych ward—has a job offer he can’t refuse. A new resort in the Caribbean is looking for an art director.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Places Like Home by April Kelley

Running away from his problems isn’t an option anymore.

Alawahea by Sara L. Diagle

Tamara Carrington always felt different. 

Play it Again by Ashley Stroyanoff

Ten days ago, someone threw a brick through my front window. Nine days ago, someone keyed my truck right in my driveway. Eight days ago, someone spray painted the words ‘stay away’ across my garage door.

Scratched by Marie Long

Twenty-four year old Kevin Anderson lost the opportunity to end his senior year at the University of Washington as the Huskies’ all-star point guard, and sought out one last opportunity to put his extraordinary basketball skills to use: by training for a chance at the pros.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Silverwood by Betsy Streeter

A story of finding where you belong, even if it involves time travel, shape shifting, and hacking.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Choosing Happiness by Melissa Stevens

Jake and Andrea met once. When Andrea was in college, Jake came with her brother Ben who was visiting on leave from a deployment in Afghanistan.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Seduced by the Moon by Linda Thomas Sundstrom

Can blood ties be stronger than the passions that rule the heart?

My Sexy Saturday

This week's theme revolves around that moment in time, that penultimate minute when capitulation results from the knowledge that you're meant to be together, regardless of the obstacles in your path or the odds stacked against you.

Timekeeper Rising by Alyssa Painter

Timekeeper Rising is a YA Dystopian Fantasy novel and the first in the Timekeeper Duo.  It is the first book by debut author Allyssa Painter.